Sunday, October 21, 2012


We failed miserably at doing our WWW365 pics and posts together over fall break! We apologize! Kay- feel free to add anything I might've missed. (gotcha covered Tam!)

We did get some fun pictures though :) I rolled into Kearney around 5:00 p.m. and we went to eat at Jersey's (FRIED PICKLES YUM!!!).

Got my haircut soon after (you have no idea how crazy my hair was driving me! shoulder length hair is a no no.)
and we raided Kay's closet afterwards :) best experience ever! Then it was time to go to bed!

Friday, it was so much fun to be back at work with my awesome co-workers! I got to check out the merchandise that we were going to make product videos for and work on my first shop by outfit with the style team. That project was really fun.

In the evening, we went to Harrison's homecoming game in Minden (Not gonna lie.. it was COLD and I wasn't used to it!). Kay made some pretty awesome signs for him!

Later Friday night, we went out with Kyle - the third stooge. For those who don't know, he's a graphic designer at Buckle, and we were all in the Marketing department last summer! That's how we all met. He's a different character, but pretty much all around awesome. :) (jk Kyle)

We also met a girl who told us she reads our blog and knows that we're best friends! That made my ENTIRE night.. pretty sure I had happy rays radiating from me. Of course, I asked her to take a picture with us and we'd put it on the blog! Here it is:
Hayley :)
Yay friends :)
On Saturday, Jarod and I went to dinner at RED LOBSTER (eeek) when Kaylinda went on her photoshoot! I was afraid he wouldn't like it but I found he took a liking to his popcorn shrimp. Saturday night, we hung out with Kyle again and Austin met up with us, too. He's the denim fit model at work! Such a good time. I love Kearney!
Sunday, we took it easy and just hung out at Jarinda's and got dinner at Jersey's (again, I love that place). Afterwards we watched Desperate Housewives Season 1 and I never realized how messed up that show really is because I missed the first season! 

I also got to see my adopted parents (Denise and Dave) Monday night after a fun day at work of shooting product videos and finishing up Shop by Outfit. Tuesday, I had my first quarterly meet with our Director of Marketing, Lori- and she said I could ABSOLUTELY come back after graduation full-time and Lydia confirmed later that afternoon. BEST NEWS OF MY LIFE! SO I will be a permanent resident of Kearney come this January! :)

The pattern that reminds me MOST of Kay!

I find myself shopping for Kaylinda more than I do myself when I take trips to the mall! I grab things and think to myself, KAY WOULD LOVE THIS! I've concluded it's because I miss her and when I find things that remind me of her, it makes me smile! I'm not a HUGE fan of floral- but it's grown on me since it IS Kaylinda's favorite pattern and she is able to make it look cute! I got this tank top a while back because I loved the colors and have only worn it once! I'll start wearing it more often :)

Not doing much today! My typical Sunday includes: breakfast (bacon bacon bacon) while watching List it or Love it on HGTV, BSDA meetings, and dinner with my dad!

Floral tank top: Wet Seal
Purple pants: Buckle
Flip flops: Target
Earrings: Icing
BFF Braided Bracelet: Kay (Claire's)
Watch: Buckle
Hope Faith Love Bracelet: Denise
Brown and silver bracelet: Herberger's

Saturday, October 20, 2012

College Football!

Sorry we've been MIA- we got carried away while I was visiting! Back to blogging now!

This morning I woke up to a picture message from Kay, in her Huskers shirt, telling me "Best be reppin' 'skers today!" I texted back "You got it, gf!" Hence, this outfit :) This shirt was Kay's gift to me when I arrived in Kearney last Thursday night! She's training me to be a Huskers fan before the big move! OH! Which I got awesome news over break from Lori and Lydia- I'm absolutely, for sure, a full-time employee for Buckle after I graduate. Dream come true!
Right now I'm watching the K-State game against WVU!! EMAW! Both of my parents graduated from K-State so they're all about K-State football :) I love anything Kansas- KSU, KU, WSU.

Top: Kaylinda (Victoria's Secret)
Cami: Buckle
Pants: Target
Shoes: Dillard's
Watch: Buckle
Irridescent bracelet: Made it!
Silver bracelet: Herberger's
BFF Bracelets: Kay
Pictures from fall break coming soon :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

french test... DOMINATED IN PINK!

BOOM. Nailed it. AGAIN! While wearing Pink :) I love my pink skinnies... more than a lot of my clothes. They are just perfect. I also love these boots and this new fun jean top. I was officially awesome today :).

What I'm wearing:
Jeans: buckle
Tops: forever21
Bracelets: buckle
Belt: buckle
Bracelet#2: Tammy!!
Necklace: buckle
Watch: Betsi Johnson

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rotten banana.

Yea, I do everything. Don't worry! :) I love, LOVE weddings and this is what I wore for coordinating my last weekend of the season :) BTW- IT'S COLD OUT this weekend. Sorry the picture is a bit blurry- I was doing it in a hurry. Work it girl- HA. A little boy told me that I looked like a rotten banana. thanks little fashion guru. :)

Shoes: Buckle
Leggings: Um. Target?
Skirt: Forever 21
Sweater: Forever 21
Flower belt: Italy 

best sister award goes to... ME!

Yes, I surprised my brother once again at his football game! :) So he has this girlfriend... I don't know her that well and I think I would like her if I got to know her better BUT I can see that he TRULY cares for her and that I can deal with. She always runs out onto the field and gives him a big hug (cute) but he always gets super excited to see me still and I see a HUGE smile on his face when he realizes his  awesome, loving sister is there. I love it, it makes me smile...EVERY TIME. I love him DEARLY though.  This is the quote I want my brother to remember...forever.

Cardigan: Target
Tank: Buckle
Scarf: Buckle
Jeans: Buckle
Boots: Buckle
Coat: She's Smitten

4 days!

Friday, October 5, 2012

6 daysss

Baby Rumchata! I made you Asian, Tammy :) you're welcome! ;)

True Knowles!

Being a part of BSDA has really given me a lot of networking opportunities- all of which I'm so thankful for! Dean Hensler has connections upon connections to successful business people. One of the projects I've agreed to take on is a Critical Thinking Video project- BSDA members will contact higher up executives to interview. In this video interview, they will stress the importance of critical thinking in the business world. This morning, I had the pleasure of interviewing True Knowles, the former CEO of Dr. Pepper and WSU Alumni :) He was awesome! Well.. he's been so much more than just that, here's a snapshot of his career- I feel like I'm not able to give him enough credit.

Top: Express
Pants: Charlotte Russe
Shoes: Target
On behalf of BSDA, we would like to thank True Knowles for coming up from Dallas, TX to interview with us!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Apparently this color combo is just knee-slappin hilarious!

I rolled out of bed this morning, picked out this outfit and thought it was SO cute!- I ran upstairs ready to leave for school and my mom is standing there with her hand on her hip, laughing at me! I'm like, "what's so funny, madre?" And she says, "Your outfit... it's orange, yellow, AND green!" And laughs some more! Like it's the funniest thing she's ever seen.... I don't get it.

I did get tons of compliments on the mustard colored blazer though! :)

p.s. Kay- this is one of the outfits for our photoshoot next week! Except with... you guessed it! :) Boots!

Blazer: Charlotte Russe
Top: Body Central
Green tank: Hollister
Jeans: BKE Stella from Buckle
Shoes: Tradehome
Necklace: Express
Watch: Buckle
Bracelet: Buckle

WARNING: This is alarming

You could only imagine the look on my dad's face when we picked my little brother up from school yesterday after his soccer practice..
My outfit
Top: Charlotte Russe
Jacket: Charlotte Russe
Jeggings Charlotte Russe (it's a chiffon material! With a lace backing.. really neat)
Boots: Claire's
Ring: Forever 21
Bracelet: Denise
Watch: Buckle
Sunglasses: They're my dad's!

Kenny's outfit (LOL)
Top: Hollister
Skirt: Hollister
Shoes: No idea

So.. before you panic and think my brother is a little freak.. yesterday was "Battle of the Sexes" at school where the students had to dress up like the opposite sex (or so he tells me). Supposedly he won best outfit for the sophomore class (or so he tells me... like he's trying to justify it or something). These aren't my clothes! They belong to a girl who lives down the street from us. Who doesn't have her license yet but she DOES have a beautiful spankin' new light green ford mustang at the age of 15!! (sorry, I'm still bitter ;))

Presentation, consider yourself ROCKED!

This morning I had a presentation on Learning Disabilities in my TE204 class- blah, who knew there was so much information! Anyway... I was going to teacher it out but my other group members wanted to wear jeans so I gave in (I think everyone should match a little bit so the presentation is complete... yes, I matched the presentation. Interior Design taught me so much.)  BTW- the sweater.. a new Forever 21 purchase!! :)

Boots: Buckle
Jeans: DAYTRIP, Buckle
Sweater: Forever 21
Brown Blouse: Forever 21
Bracelet: Solid Rock
Earrings: Forever 21
Jacket: Charlotte Russe (one of MANY!)


Two years of Marriage and BOOM- My dress still fits! :) A tad bit snugger but hey, I am getting old :) (NOT REALLY, I AM 22 and that my friends, IS NOT OLD!)

Floral Forever :)

Yes, I rocked floral skinnies AGAIN! These are black and pink- uhhh...who wouldn't want these? When I saw them I HAD to have them and I got so many dirty looks on Wednesday it made them THAT MUCH BETTER! I even had to ask a girl if she liked checking out my floral ass... Yes- I seriously asked her that. You would be so proud Tam!

I also put on a quote that EVERYONE needs to remember- "A person's a person NO MATTER how small." - Well said Horton, well said!
Skinnies: Forever 21
Boots: Corral- Buckle
Belt: Forever 21
Lace top: Buckle
Basic Tank: Buckle
Watch: Buckle 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I love lots of things that are red. Huskers, poison apple lipstick, apples, strawberries, red leaves, red frosty winter berries, red checkered picnic blankets, red high heels, temptation red nail polish, Christmas, red/rose wine, salsa, my red polka dot slutty prom dress & much, much more. But what I love the most.... My red skinnies. To. Die. For.

What I rocked:
Skinnies: Buckle
Basic black tank: Buckle
Jean shirt: forever 21
Boots: Buckle
Accessories: buckle, forever, Tammy :)
Belt: forever 21