Friday, October 5, 2012

True Knowles!

Being a part of BSDA has really given me a lot of networking opportunities- all of which I'm so thankful for! Dean Hensler has connections upon connections to successful business people. One of the projects I've agreed to take on is a Critical Thinking Video project- BSDA members will contact higher up executives to interview. In this video interview, they will stress the importance of critical thinking in the business world. This morning, I had the pleasure of interviewing True Knowles, the former CEO of Dr. Pepper and WSU Alumni :) He was awesome! Well.. he's been so much more than just that, here's a snapshot of his career- I feel like I'm not able to give him enough credit.

Top: Express
Pants: Charlotte Russe
Shoes: Target
On behalf of BSDA, we would like to thank True Knowles for coming up from Dallas, TX to interview with us!

1 comment:

  1. You never cease to amazing me!! SO PROUD of you!!!!
