Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Finance exam outfit!

Kay had this amazing idea to get up and make herself look presentable on exam days so she goes in feeling confident because she looks confident! I tried this yesterday for my finance exam! I think I did pretty good- so it must have worked. I usually don't shower or get ready before exams (especially finance) because I wake up at 4:00 a.m. to study until 8:00 a.m. and go in and take the test. Yesterday I felt pretty confident about studying the night before so I did my hair, dressed myself in something other than sweats, and even got breakfast! :) We'll see how I did...

The scarf you see here, is the scarf one of my classmates had on while I was giving my huge marketing presentation (hour long presentation) with Nikki and Brooke, and the whole time when I wasn't talking, I was admiring her scarf. So after we were done, I just blurted out, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SCARF?! And she told me Beau Monde. I had never been there but I drove there right after class to get it :)
Burnout Top: Buckle
Jeans: Miss Me from Buckle
Boots: Buckle
Flyaway: Buckle
REVERSIBLE Scarf: Beau Monde.. love the button!

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