Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Go 'skers!!

Husker fan for life. I love my Red & White Huskers!! :) I love that Nebraska is so loyal to the Huskers and that on Game Days Nebraska seriously is a Sea of RED!!! Today I rocked Grey but you know it had NEBRASKA on it!! (Tammy, get used to it- you can't live her if you aren't a Husker fan... it's a rule :))

Yes... I am rocking a turquoise sports bra with my Big Star jeans and Distant Replays husker top- I was going to rock black but mmmehh, no one really saw me today! :) YES, i know my micro is dirty- that is actually how it is- i've tried cleaning it!

Emmy is in the corner- she says hello :)

Jeans: Big Star Buckle
Sweatshirt: Buckle
Sports bra: Victoria Secret

Takin' care of BUSINESS!

I don't get to dress business formal very often! I tried to start building my business wardrobe for post graduation of tight, uncomfortable skirts and suits and panty hose (bleh) BUT it looks like I won't be needing to build any further. Buckle's home office is casual- DREAM COME TRUE!! Jeans? Yes please! Cute tops? From the Buckle? YES PLEASE! So anywho, this is one of the dresses I bought awhile back because it was cute and somewhat formal and business appropriate. The pic on the right is old- from last year, but you can see the entire dress. Then the pics on the left is what I actually wore today. Threw on a blazer and some panty hose. We interviewed students who applied to join BSDA, an organization at school which I'm part of the executive council for :)

This outfit was one of the options I had to wear to my interview at Buckle- but they told me to dress casual :)

Dress: bebe
Blazer: Zara
Shoes: Dillards

creepin' ain't easy! :)

AHhhhhhhhh 12 dayss!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!

I know, i know- i ROCKED the creeper look- don't hate me cuz you ain't me :)

Rockin' Profanity Today

GAME DAY! Also a (&#*$&* YOU day! So i decided to rock my profanity today- I know, I know- I am going to be a TEACHER someday so I just hide it under my shirts and snicker when people are rude :) I LOVE this shirt- i had it in hot pink but someone jacked it from me while i was living in the APhi house- boo!  I also rocked the brother pin today- repin' 365 little bro, because i love you. Miss Kealey (the little sister i never had:() spent the afternoon with me and we went on a photoshoot, went out to eat and then to the game where we watched the KCHS dance team ROCK IT! They are amazing. I wanted to post a video- couldn't find one. 
Cardigan: Target
Skinnies: Target
Boots: Buckle
Plaid: Buckle
Profanity: Etsy :)
Tank: Forever 21
Pin: My baby bro!!


Rockin' the floral skinnies, AGAIN!! You will see these A LOT because I have to wear them at least 3 times a month to make them worth it! By the way.. totally worth it.

I got so many comments -  i got called 'rad', 'totally hot' (by a girl), 'rockstar' (notice blog post tomorrow), 'awesome', 'stylish', 'nuts because we live in kearney', and 'fabulous' (by a dude). Totally worth every penny!!

Jacket: Buckle
Rock & Roll Shirt: Forever 21
Skinnies: Dyan George!
Boots: Buckle (my all time fav, btw!)
Watch: Buckle
Bracelets: Etsy/Solid Rock

Friday, September 28, 2012

Comfy casual.. Missin my BFF but excited to see her!

Kaylinda got me several things while I was in Kearney, "just because." For my going away present, of course she gave me something that would remind me of my summer in Kearney and this shirt did juuuust that. I love it! It fits perfectly and blue is my favorite color! The morning I left Kearney, she swung by and helped me move my stuff into my car (so sweet, I know :) my best friend!) and gave me this note...

So THIS one's for you, Kay! See you in less than 2 weeks!

Shirt: Kaylinda!!!!!!!!!
Yoga pants: Target
Bracelets: Buckle

UO got me... again...

Kay- This is my friend, Alex, who got on my chat yesterday and started talking about how I can't wear dresses and have tiny legs so I need to rock capris as jeans! He's my only asian friend- and I know you just LOVE asian babies (he's technically only half.) Our parents went to KState together! We went to lunch today at an asian restaurant to soak up our asianness together and it was DE-LICIOUS!
Alex, Kaylinda. Kaylinda, Alex.
Now you can talk to her, Alex, since she's not a stranger anymore ;)
Shirt dress: Urban Outfitters
Belt: Dillard's
Leggings: Forever 21
Boots: Vanity
Belt bracelet: BUCKLE!
Watch: Wet Seal
Hope, Faith, Love bracelet: DENISE :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We are NEVER EVER getting back together.

Yup. you heard it right, summer- we are OVER!! I am ready for FALL!!! I needed to feel confident today for my French test so i did it up- girly girl style!

Skirt/dress- signature piece for Me... and i love me some boots :) Oh, I got my sweater at Forever21 ON SALE, $3. BOOM.

Oh, right.. I nailed my french test.. BOOM, again.

Flower: Buckle
Sweater: Forever21
Skirt: Buckle
Boots: Buckle- Roxy


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

All color

First off I'd like to thank Kay for the brilliant idea of starting this blog. It allows me 30 minutes out of the day to do something I really enjoy (can't wait til I just get to work around clothes as a career!) in between all of the madness of playing business games and studying for tests and doing things I don't enjoy nearly as much. THANK YOU KAYLINDA!

I know I said this might be bum week but I hadn't worn make up or done my hair in 5 days so I decided  to make myself look a little presentable today (probably in an attempt to procrastinate studying even further)! I had to get up early this morning because my brother told me my dog got out of the backyard and I needed to go look for him. After driving around the neighborhood for an hour and poking my head into people's backyards and yelling "balogna!" (he doesn't respond to his name... well, he CHOOSES not to, but when you say balogna, he comes arunning!) ONLY to find out he was in deed, in the backyard the whole time. 

Here's what I came up with. It's very springy. I got some weird looks because people aren't colorful on campus BUT that's okay- because it's okay to be different. Says Kay. So you know it's true. :)

Top: Buckle
Blazer: Buckle
Tank: Buckle
Pants: Buckle
Bracelets: Jewelmint/Claire's/Kay
Watch: Buckle

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bum week starts today...

Holy moly! I can get back on here... blogger hasn't let me log in to create a new post since Friday. BOOO! I'm back though. Guess what... test tomorrow! Which means? I'm doing anything BUT studying today :) I rolled out of bed this morning, threw on a sweatshirt, some shoes, and was out the door in less than 30 seconds (that's why I chopped my head off. I'm not sure you would've liked my face/hair get up I had today haha). One problem in finance took an hour and 15 minutes to do and that's what our test will be like on Wednesday. :( Needless to say, I won't be getting much sleep this week which means I probably won't have time to shower in the mornings which means! No make up which means feeling worthless which means.. no cute clothes. I'm sorry! haha

I saw one of my best friends last week, Aly, and she pulled out this jacket to give back to me that I haven't seen in 3 years! I looked EVERY WHERE for it, flipped all the laundry baskets, looked in everybody's trunks... it was my favorite 3 years ago. Good news! Since I only wore it like once, it still looks new and I still love it! :)

Jacket: Victoria's Secret
Pants: Target
Shoes: Lady's Foot Locker? 

It might look like I never wear them.. but I do. I just clean them afterwards because they're beautiful!
Love the jacket. Back when I bought it, this was my fave song:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Born in the 80's.. Raised in the 90's!

I found these pants on forever21 and I was so shocked but then after staring at them for a while I decided I needed them, really bad. I love them- SO comfortable but i think i need to rock them with some cream heels and maybe a higher roll... we'll see. I paired it with my ADORABLE sweater that I also had to have and my glittery ballerina flats, (which are falling apart!) :) tied back my 'second day bar hair' and added a coral flower to top it all off!! :) 

Love my 80's look and I rocked it. 

(again- Jarod isn't photographer, i apologize!)

Pants: Forever21
Sweater: Forever21
flats: Buckle
accessories: Buckle/Jarod
Flower hair clip: Forever21

I also had a photo shoot tonight so you KNOW i pulled out the rain boots and shorts- rocked them WITH the sweater. it's okay to be different. :)

Shorts: Buckle
Boots: Hissy Fit
Sweater: Forever21

Rockin' FLORAL skinnies!!!

EEEK! I went out last night and decided to ROCK my floral skinnies- and rock is JUST WHAT I DID!! I felt so amazing in them- i wanted to sleep in them (Tam's idea). I love, LOVE them.. totally worth it!

So, i hubby takes the pictures and he's not very good (that's why it's blurry!!) - I hopefully will be investing in a large mirror soon... :)

Went out with the girls- had a blast.

You will be seeing these A LOT! I l-o-v-e THEM!!!!

What i rocked:
Cardigan: Buckle
boots: Buckle
Skinnies: George Dylan
Tank: Forever
accessories: Buckle- watch,   Jarod (ring, earrings)

What I drank... and fell in love with... Kiss on the Lips! YUM!

It consists of all this:
1 - 1 1/2 oz peach schnapps
4 - 6 ozfrozen mango mix
1 tbsp grenadine syrup

Ice, blend until slushy- top with grenadine syrup and enjoy! So good!!

try it... you might like it.

Friday, September 21, 2012

I'm a little to country for that.

SO! It's homecoming week at UNK like i said earlier this week and tonight was HOMECOMING LIP SYNC!! It's like the most fun ever. I also had to work so I did it up in a little fall getup. Blazers, colored skinnies, and BOOTS! Heaven.

Sorry the pictures are blurry- there wasn't very good lighting! :( But these are my gorgeous friends that went with me- Natalie- GORGEOUS bride-to-be (and my lovely model tonight :)) and Hilke (Tams, this is my adopted asian friend and why i asked you if you were adopted on our first date.. Ha!) :).

Blazer: Buckle
Tank: Buckle
Basic Tank: Buckle
Yellow Skinnies: Buckle
Corral Boots: Buckle
Accessories: Buckle, Forever 21
Belt: a little sidewalk cart in Italy!

yup- Buckled out :)

Here is a little clip from Youtube showing UNK (Alpha Phi)  Lip Sync from tonight! Love it!!
found at:

This is from last year BUT it's still so fun!
Found at: 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Today, I took about 5 seconds to just stop, breathe, and realize how busy I am. Cue panic. I had one test on Tuesday, a quiz every Tuesday Thursday, a simulation decision every Thursday, and two tests next week. I might just look like a bum all week next week! We'll see. I'll write more later here :)
Tank top: American Eagle
Blazer: Buckle
Scarf: Charlotte Russe
Jeans: Miss Me from Buckle
Boots: Claire's
Bracelets: Kay/Claire's
Watch: Buckle
Ring: Swarovski

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No work = lounge day

Today I didn't work, just I decided to dress down and be comfortable all day! So I went straight to my BKE lounge pants and my favorite bright pink PINK sweatshirt. I was cute and comfy alllll Day! Love days like these :)

Sweats: Buckle
Sweatshirt: Victoria's Secret
Basic: Buckle
V-neck: Victoria's Secret
Shoes: Buckle

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gots muh hair did! Well, colored...

Just darker brown but I LOVE IT!! :) it's always exciting going to the salon and getting your hair played with :) and I happen to have a ROCK STAR stylist!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Call Me Maybe?

Ugh. You have NO idea how much I miss my best friend.. when you go from seeing each other EVERYDAY and doing, like, everything together to not seeing her AT ALL (yes, we talk daily, but it's not the same:( ) it is the HARDEST THING EVER! I miss her dearlyyyy.

So.. I was jamming in my pink beetle to Call Me Maybe as loud as it could go...on repeat... cruising through kearney today :)

And I am again right now!

P.s.. I wore bleh today because I woke up and forgot it was homecoming week at UNK and that we were supposed to do a campus blue out.. which I'm not sure happened BUT i have like 2 blue shirts and i just wore a blue button up with an old sweater and silver jeans... pretty casual. pretty unlike me but school sucks (kidding, i love it, i just hate getting up early)

For your enjoyment.... Miss Carly Rae Jepsen!

I also LOVE this song... Who Says. You are you for a reason :) 

Sorry- i should be doing homework but no, i'm listening to pop on youtube... don't even get me started on country or soft rock... we'll be here all night :) 

Not sittin indian style today!

Since yesterday was so nice, I threw on some WHITE capris (Kay hates wearing white, plus labor day has passed... but, oh well!) and a short sleeve shirt. Once I stepped about three steps outside I turned my hiny around and marched right back inside. It was chilly which usually calls for me taking my shoes off and sitting indian style at school to keep some feeling in my feet because they go numb from being so cold! To make sure I covered all the bases, I wore a hoody, jeans, and boots! I should forewarn you that I own very few boots- two pairs in black, one gray, and a couple brown... you will get tired of seeing them!

This is cuddle weather, for sure-BUT I'm single, for a very good reason, which I told Kay that no one probably even thinks about. ;) I learned something really valuable in my management class today. It applies both in the workplace and your personal life. People do not alter their behaviors easily. Who you select is who you got, so if you don't like it, recruit someone else who already has those traits instead of hiring/being with someone who has (in your eyes) "undesirable" traits and try to change them.. it's not going to work. Basically, don't settle. :) People were going around sharing what flaws their significant others have- it was pretty humorous, but the point is, they've been "flawed" for a long time, and even though it's been pointed out, they still don't change their behavior! Makes sense to me. Find someone who already has ALL the traits you want.

Thank you BKE Lounge discount- I LOVE this hoody! Collared quarter zip downs are my favorite!
Please excuse my second day hair.

Sweatshirt: BKE Lounge Quarter Zip Sweatshirt from Buckle
Jeans: Miss Me from Buckle
Boots: Claire's

You can tell when I have school work to do when my posts are long...  better go and study for my marketing exam tomorrow.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Today was an absolutely gorgeous day! Sunny, cool- but not too cool that my teeth were chattering or that I kept telling myself how cold it is! This top is one of my faves :) Love the colors: blue, pink, and purple is my FAVORITE color combo! It's a light blue, and I don't know if you can tell but the birds on there are teal, purple, and pink.
Now, let me express my excitement about this. I have colored skinnies in teal, purple, and pink (yes, I just realized I have a shopping problem, thank you) and I can wear any of those pairs with this top! I picked purple since it was the most fall-y of all the colors. Well, dark teal is too but it was too close to the blue and wouldn't have provided the contrast that I like!

Top: Eyeshadow Chiffon Cropped Shirt from Buckle
Purple skinnies: Buckle
Purple bracelet: Claire's 
Blue bracelets: Buckle
Ring: Swarovski

Fall colors!

Sunday = Sunday School, Church, Lunch with the Hubs, Walmart (bleh), and homework/editing. Well, today is supposed to be warmer but tomorrow it is supposed to be rainy and cool... YES! I decided to wear my copper skinnies to church today because I didn't want to shave my legs, ha, true story! I LOVE LOVE the colors in the fall and I was so excited to get my copper skinnies and pair them with browns and creams! I Love Fall but i want it to be winter!! I am short- so i have to roll all of my skinnies- see here.

Oh, Tammy is coming to NE in October over Fall break to work so i get to see her in....drum roll please.... 26 DAYS!!!!! The countdown has begun :)

Necklace: Riddles, Mom and Dad for my 18th Birthday!
Skinnies: Buckle
Heels: Forever 21 (they are cream, not white... silly sun)
Tank: Forever 21
Cardigan: LOVE THE COLOR: Forever 21

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lazy day + session = this.. :)

Pretty basic but I don't like to dress up too much when i shoot because i like to be comfortable when I'm moving about. So i decided my shorts and a basic v were perfect. I was wearing my HUSKERS hoodie earlier but I got hot. Love days like this! 

Sorry the picture is terrible but I didn't really try. you get it though, right? And my face.. you know you love it!! I was in a funny/odd mood today and this is what you get :) 

Basic V: target
shorts: Buckle
shoes: Hissy Fit Boutique

Boots I rock... every photo shoot :) 


So- My little brother, he's actually a lot bigger than me, is a junior at Minden High School and plays FOOTBALL! :) I love fall because it's cooler weather, boots, sweaters, hot cider, the cold smell, COATS, Husker Football and High School Football! And I love my brother more than anything so I like to go to his games when I can. Well, they are purple (I hate the color purple) and silver so YOU KNOW I had to have purple skinnies!! Old Navy rocked my socks- they were amazing and pretty cheap. $34. not bad, not bad! So i rocked a grey basic with my skinnies, paired my adorable black boots with a pair of tall grey socks, and then of course i had to add a splash of Kaylinda so i added a CUTE little scarf i also bought today at Vanity with little birds on it (my daddy calls me bird. love it.) and then i tied it all together with some basic accessories and then my paisley trench that i adore!! I don't even remember where i got it but I love it. a lot. this is what i ended up with and i got Tons of compliments on how adorable i looked and my brother told me i can't dress up anymore for his games- rude.

sorry- my phone totally messed up my pants and my coat :(

Skinnies: Old Navy
Scarf: Vanity
Boots: i think maybe Trade Home
Jacket: I don't remember.. but its cute right!?
socks: Buckle
Button: MY BROTHER! He loves me :) 
accessories: Buckle
Basic V- Forever 21
Belt: Forever 21

This is my and my 'little' brother from last year.. i didn't get one from this year... yet! But i will :) He's a lot bigger this year... cray-cray!

Looking back on this outfit.. it's pretty out there for me!

My mood this day was obviously out of my norm! I've had my eye on these patterned skinnies and the J Crew necklace for a looooooong time. Well, I finally crumbled and got it when I saw how well they went together! The skinnies are a little big- a little disappointed! :( 

Top: Wet Seal
Skinnies: Charlotte Russe
Necklace: Alter Ego Fashions
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Tank: Buckle

Where would I love to wear this??? To this!!!!! :)

Don't judge me ;) JB is the closest thing that reminds me of my childhood growing up with N*Sync, Britney Spears and BSB! This is ENTERTAINMENT :)

Skull candy?

One of my favorite things about fall are the colors! Hunter green, shades of brown and orange, and basically warm neutral colors! I found this top at Alter Ego Fashions. It caught my eye right away because of the skull, but it wasn't on the front of the shirt. It was on the back! Even more interesting. So I gave in. Laura told me it sold out once and she brought it back. Hallelujah!

Jeans: BKE Stella Skinny Stretch Jean from Buckle
Boots: Claire's
Belt: Dillards (came with a dress)
Scarf: Target
Headband: Charlotte Russe

And if you'd like to learn some different ways to wear your skinny jeans! Here ya go!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Rumchata recipe!

So... my cupcakes were a HIT! SO many people liked them that I decided to post the direction here :) 


First off- You will need:

For the Cupcakes: 

  • 1/2 cup butter (1 stick, at room temperature)
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup RumChata (Don't forget to poor a glass for yourself :) )
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 4 egg whites
*Yields about 24 cupcakes but that batter is THICK!

For the Frosting:

  • 12 ounces of cream cheese (1 1/2 packages, at room temperature)
  • 1/2 cup of butter (1 stick, at room temperature)
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla
  • 5 tbsp of RumChata
  • 1 package of confectioners’ sugar (2 lb. bag) - This is powered sugar, if you are like me and have no idea what confectioners sugar is! 
*HUGE amount of frosting here friends and I used A LOT on mine. I stored the rest for when I'm in a 'mood' and need some comfort food. :) 

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • Combine sugar & butter and beat until fluffy
  • Mix together flour, baking powder, salt, & cinnamon, set aside
  • Mix the RumChata & vanilla together, set aside
  • Alternating, add in the flour mixture and RumChata mixture in to the butter and sugar. Start and end with the flour mixture.
  • In a clean mixing bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form (they said to use an electric mixer but I HATE getting out and setting ours up so I did it by hand, well work out for the night completed! BUT YOU CAN DO IT BY HAND!)
  • Fold egg whites in to the batter – use a spatula and actually fold them in
  • Fill cupcake liners 3/4 way full
  • Bake for 20 minutes or until cake “bounces back” when touched- my oven is old and it took 20 minutes so watch newer ovens :)
  • let cook before frosting!

  • Combine butter and cream cheese until smooth
  • Add vanilla
  • Slowly add confectioners’ sugar
  • Mix in RumChata (use more or less based on the thickness of the frosting. I often find that some days I would use 5 tbsp, some I would use 4)
  • I let mine sit in the fridge for about 10 minutes so it would be a bit thicker and not melt all over. 
  • Frost the cupcakes
  • Store in fridge if you aren't going to serve them right away so the frosting stays in tack and is all sorts of creamy and YUMMY!! :) 
This frosting is SWEET. I liked it that way though but if you need to, tone it down a bit with the sugar. :) 


Rumchata.... Yumchata!!

So... Miss Tammy introduced me to rumchata.... Yum! When I found this cupcake recipe that called for rumchata, I was hooked! So, one of my friends is turning 20 (she's a baby!) on Saturday so I'm bringing her cuppie cakes to French class!! And yes, they taste as amazing as they look!!

Democracy in the Classroom- teacher outfit!!

So I already had this posted but it got deleted so I am not typing up the ENTIRE thing again. So I had a school visit on 9.11 and I got to visit some 5th graders!! I want to teach K-2/3 but 5th graders were fun as well! I absolutely HATE math BUT I was working the problems with them and I ROCKED! Math-0, Kaylinda-2 (I also did well on my math test! boom!)

So here i paired a cute ruffled black shirt with black casual pants and a blue sweater to dress them up a bit. I then added a scarf because I LOVE scarves and because it was a tad chilly in the morning. I paired them with cute yet sensible teaching shoes :)

Shoes: Target
Watch: Buckle :) 
Pants: Buckle
Basic Tank: Buckle
ruffled tank: Target
blue cardigan: Target
scarf: Vanity-ON SALE!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fall WEATHER is officially here!

Too bad I didn't dress for it today... I didn't realize fall would hit so hard and so fast! It was cloudy, cold, and RAINY! So this outfit- my friend Katie has it too. She didn't mind if I bought the same top, but she loved it so much she also bought it in turquoise! Wait until you see it... you don't have any choice BUT to fall in love! Needless to say, I was cold today when I walked a mile on campus in the rain. My teeth were chattering. I believe it was 55 degrees! I guess it's what I've been begging for... bustin' out the hoodies. Ohhhh yeahhh.

Top: Nollie by Pacsun (also comes in turquoise)
Necklace: Fossil from Dillard's
Boots: Vanity
My little brother introduced me to this song. It's on repeat in this household now :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rainy, cool, gloomy= Fallin' it up!

I was so, so excited when I found out today was supposed to be cool! I decided to fall it up and get in the Autumn spirit!! I wanted to wear my mustard skinnys because I love them:) so i paired them with an adorable peach satin button front, an oversized grey cardigan with polka dots (Fav!), and brown boots, scarf and high pony! Loooove it! Fall <3

Boots: Buckle
Button front: forever 21
Cardigan: forever 21
Mustard jean: Buckle
Watch: Buckle
Bracelets: Buckle/Tammy 
Earrings: forever 21
Scarf: Buckle
Flower clip/broach: forever 21

Monday, September 10, 2012

Obsessed with Pretty Little Liars!

So.. I am pretty obsessed with Pretty Little Liars-- it is SO catchy and I just HAVE to see what is going to happen next.

I fell IN LOVE with Hanna's jeans in Season 3, Episode 6: "The Remains of 'A'"! I HAD TO FIND THEM! SO off I went.. searching.. well.. FOUND THEM!!! :) Guess what? I BOUGHT THEM!!! After talking it over with Tammy & Myself, I went for it :) I bought them and I will LOVE THEM. Prepare to see them on here... a lot. I did so well on my Math AND French test I had to reward myself... and these were perfect. I can't wait to squeeze my little booty into them! :) You will die when you see them... AHHHH!!!! They should be on my booty IN 8-10 DAYS!!!!!

Photos taken from & Nordstoms

Just a little sum thin' sum thin'...

This is for you Tammy, I already sent it to you- but you needed to see it on here! :) LOVE YOU!!!

WHAT? basic?! I did it :)

Well... Today i did it! I went BASIC! Basic V-neck, basic crops with a basic pair of shoes! I topped it off with a cap- you should have seen my hair- bleh. And because it was a tad chilly this A.M before my math test I paired it all with a cute jacket! :) Ok, ok FINE the real reason I went so basic was because I also had a french test today and we had to TELL the teacher in FRENCH what we were wearing... well... un jean, un t-shirt are easier than some of the other things i could have worn! :) Here it is... basic Kaylinda- don't get used to it.. i don't like it.

P.S Thank you Tamtam for getting me through my tests :) LOVE YOU!
Shoes: Buckle (2nd pair! My first pair was destroyed by my lovely Sammy) 
Sweatshirt: Buckle! BKE Lounge (love!!)
Crops: Buckle
Basic V: Forever
Belt: Forever
Watch: Buckle (fav ever, i own two)
Hat: Buckle, Guys :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Super casual weekend!

Weekends are usually my favorite (well duh Tammy, that's usually how it works- I know, I know) but not because I don't have school.. but because I don't have to dress up! Dressing up is fun, don't get me wrong, but I LOVE wearing hoodies!!! This weekend, my mom, brother, and I took a small vacation to Kansas City. Just the three of us. It's been.. too long for me to even remember when the last time was! We arrived at Worlds of Fun (My favorite place on the face of this planet) around noon on Saturday, left around 4, took a nap at the hotel and then came back to ride some more rides later that evening. SO! MUCH! FUN! If I ever get a guy to take me on the perfect date- it'd be an all day event at Worlds of Fun. As my brother pointed out, when it's dark at an amusement park, it can be romantic haha. I mean, just think about it, when you're about to drop off the mamba, it'd be a perfect time to turn to your date and say, "in case I die.. I just want you to know that 143!!!" (143 = I love you. Don't know what in the world I'm talkin about? Click here for the song) Anyway, I finally convinced my brother to join me for the ride on the Mamba! He liked it so much we went at least 10 times until 10:00 p.m.! Lines were short, perfect weather (70 degrees)- perfect vacation with the family. Only downside- a flat tire.

I left home wearing a bright neon pink 3/4 length sleeve. However, I got a salsa stain on it sooo I had to wear the only other shirt I packed. This shirt was gifted to me. Apparently a lot of folks who go to Worlds of Fun are Huskers fans- cause I got a lot of compliments on it!

Top: Gifted to me
Shoes: Not Rated from Tradehome

Sunday, while our tire was being replaced, we walked over to Oak Park Mall to kill time. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. There was a bunch of cool stores there that we don't have where I live: bebe, arden b, ALDO, Windsor, a few more that I can't think of and the most exciting- FOSSIL!!! I wanted SO much from the store. A few things I've added to my wishlist:
I wanted one SO, SO bad, but I couldn't decide which one I wanted. In love with the rose gold color. For the silver charm bracelet ... I picked out these charms:

They all have some sort of sentimental meaning to me!

Polaroid camera: My first camera was a polaroid camera!
Lock: My friend Katie, made a reference about a key to my heart. It will truly be a miracle if I ever get married. Or fall in love for that matter!
Wishing well: I'm HUGE on wishes. 11:11 MAKE A WISH!
Key: The key to that lock
Gumball machine: when I was little, my mom always brought home a blue gumball for me whenever she went for a walk in the mall. It HAD to be blue. From the machine. Not the candy store. I can tell.. there's a difference ;)
Compass: This one's for practical use. I can't point in the right direction to save my life.  
Planes: I live in the air capital of the world! And thanks to my mom's amazing career at Cessna, she was able to do an excellent job of providing for my brother and me as a single mom. Forever thankful.

If only I had $404.00 (actually, $433.49 with tax) to blow on the most awesome Fossil jewelry in the world... :) Maybe someday!

Well, I've successfully made this post way too long in an attempt to put off the start of my homework. I need to go now. :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Colorful Printed Dress. Got it on sale. What a steal.

Dresses are my absolute FAVORITE (unless of course, it's windy outside, then they're my worst enemy.) Dresses from the Gianni Bini line are at the top of that list. They are well designed, nicely made, and fit well. Here's my latest find. I love dresses that have a mixture of just about every color under the sun because my options for accessories are endless! You may or may not have noticed that arm candy is one of Kay and I's favorite trends! The cream belt came with the dress, so I wanted to incorporate cream accessories and shoes. Out of luck on cream shoes- BUT luckily my boots have cream in them and my dress has brown it in so we're covered! I found an extremely cute leather bracelet at Alter Ego Fashions (pictured in the middle). You can twist the circle and it unlocks the bracelet! Perfect find.

DressGB Printed Ombre Dress from Dillard's
Boots: Corral Embroidered Cowboy Boot from Buckle
Bracelet: Alter Ego Fashions (If you haven't stopped by there, you need to! Laura is fantastic and her boutique is adorable)
Belt: Came with the dress from Dillard's
Watch: Betsey Johnson from Buckle
Purple Nepal Bracelet: Pink Saloon
Cross Bracelet: Claire's
Braided BFF Bracelet: Kaylinda from Claire's!

Neon all tied in a bow...

So as you should know, Neon is one of this years hottest trends! I love it. everything about it. It's bold, exciting and eye catching- not to mention it always makes you look a bit tanner than you actually are!! BONUS! Here i paired my neon orange skinny's with my favorite basic flowy neon green top. I layered up my top with another flowy tank with red, navy, orange, pink and white flowers and stripes on it- it really breaks up the neon and ties the whole piece together. I paired the entire outfit with my favorite bracelets, some gold studs and my lovely rocker boots. I finished it off with a skinny brown belt so people could tell that i wasn't 100,000 LBS! I also tied my hair in a bow :) SO EASY!

Boots: Buckel
Tops: Buckle
Jeans: Forever 21
Belt: Forever 21 
Accessories: Buckle


Summer lovin'

Sorry I've been MIA this past week- school pretty much took over my life and I had a shoot every night! I Love, LOVE this little dress from Forever 21. It's flowy, comfortable, and has little swallows on it. I love birds, always have, always will! My dad calls me 'Bird' and my grandpa calls me 'Birdie'. I usually wear this with wedges but decided to boot it up with a cute little ankle boot from Buckle (Rocket Dog). I love these boots- so cute!! I also love these bracelets- i wear them almost everyday! This is the super girly coming out of me-- and then i HAD to take the pictures on the farm with the golden corn behind because i love harvest time and i'm wearing my boots :)

Sorry I'm so blurry in the picture! Silly iPhone!

Dress: Forever 21
Boots: Buckle, Rocket Dog
Bracelets: Tammy/Buckle

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is fall ever going to get here?!

I'm starting to lose hope that fall is going to be here anytime soon! Tomorrow the high is 106 and 108 degrees on Wednesday! Until then I'll just keep my summer clothes close by. Today I wore my favorite pair of pants EVER, white Miss Me capris that hit me in the exact spot that make my ankles somewhat flattering (if you would recall my skinny ankles problem, I have to evaluate things like this when I shop! Life is tough as a girl!) (as you all look down at my ankles, attracting attention to my unflattering feet! My deepest apologies!)

Top: Daytrip Trapeze Tank Top from Buckle
Capris: White Miss Me Capris from Buckle
Blue Tank Top: Buckle
Watch: Fossil from Buckle
Bracelet: Good Works Single Buckle Bracelet "Accept Diversity" from Buckle
Braided Bracelet: Kaylinda from Claire's
Flip Flops: Target
Necklace: BKE Multi Layer Chain Necklace from Buckle

Weather for the next four days.. Will be hard to plan what to wear!