Tuesday, September 25, 2012

All color

First off I'd like to thank Kay for the brilliant idea of starting this blog. It allows me 30 minutes out of the day to do something I really enjoy (can't wait til I just get to work around clothes as a career!) in between all of the madness of playing business games and studying for tests and doing things I don't enjoy nearly as much. THANK YOU KAYLINDA!

I know I said this might be bum week but I hadn't worn make up or done my hair in 5 days so I decided  to make myself look a little presentable today (probably in an attempt to procrastinate studying even further)! I had to get up early this morning because my brother told me my dog got out of the backyard and I needed to go look for him. After driving around the neighborhood for an hour and poking my head into people's backyards and yelling "balogna!" (he doesn't respond to his name... well, he CHOOSES not to, but when you say balogna, he comes arunning!) ONLY to find out he was in deed, in the backyard the whole time. 

Here's what I came up with. It's very springy. I got some weird looks because people aren't colorful on campus BUT that's okay- because it's okay to be different. Says Kay. So you know it's true. :)

Top: Buckle
Blazer: Buckle
Tank: Buckle
Pants: Buckle
Bag: Justfab.com
Bracelets: Jewelmint/Claire's/Kay
Watch: Buckle

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