Monday, September 24, 2012

Bum week starts today...

Holy moly! I can get back on here... blogger hasn't let me log in to create a new post since Friday. BOOO! I'm back though. Guess what... test tomorrow! Which means? I'm doing anything BUT studying today :) I rolled out of bed this morning, threw on a sweatshirt, some shoes, and was out the door in less than 30 seconds (that's why I chopped my head off. I'm not sure you would've liked my face/hair get up I had today haha). One problem in finance took an hour and 15 minutes to do and that's what our test will be like on Wednesday. :( Needless to say, I won't be getting much sleep this week which means I probably won't have time to shower in the mornings which means! No make up which means feeling worthless which means.. no cute clothes. I'm sorry! haha

I saw one of my best friends last week, Aly, and she pulled out this jacket to give back to me that I haven't seen in 3 years! I looked EVERY WHERE for it, flipped all the laundry baskets, looked in everybody's trunks... it was my favorite 3 years ago. Good news! Since I only wore it like once, it still looks new and I still love it! :)

Jacket: Victoria's Secret
Pants: Target
Shoes: Lady's Foot Locker? 

It might look like I never wear them.. but I do. I just clean them afterwards because they're beautiful!
Love the jacket. Back when I bought it, this was my fave song:

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