Friday, January 11, 2013

Broken ankle over Thanksgiving break :(

So i didn't rock anything but sweats and this awesome cast for about two weeks... except on thanksgiving because I was dying in sweats :( I also went out on Black Friday Shopping! My Bestie (we go every year!) pushed my in a wheelchair... Thanks Laura!!!

Oh, I also glittered my cast.. yup... made it more "kaylinda" like :)

Sequin Dress, Stripped Blazer, Boot, cast and crutches.. Happy Thanksgiving!! 
Rocking the Crutches at 11:30 pm before BLACK FRIDAY!!

SEE! I can shop and be a gimp :) Laura pushed me around the mall in this baby. 
I have a video of me in Target on one of those wheelchair things.. i'll post it... maybe :) 


  1. Is that a sock on your cast

  2. mmmmmmm, nice cool plastercast and i like your cute sexy toes wow xoxoxo.
