Here's the outfit I picked for today:
Dark brown tank top: Buckle
Light brown top: Herberger's
Green blazer/moto jacket-blazer: Dillard's (Gianni Bini)
Jeans: BKE Stella from Buckle
Scarf: Buckle
Boots: Corral from Buckle
"Accept Diversity" bracelet: Good Work(s) from Buckle
Studded brown bracelet: Icing
Beaded bracelet: Made by me!
I love Corral Boots.. they're my favorite! These BKE Stellas fit me to the tee as well, I'm gonna have to look into buying some more of these! They're cheaper than Miss Me's.
I'm getting really good at picking out my outfits for the next day, the night before! Last semester, I got so used to being on-the-go all the time that I would always just throw on jeans, t-shirt, hoody, and a hat and roll into school. It's nice to have time to really think about how all of my clothes can go together and all the different combinations (Thanks to Kaylinda- I can kind of do this now!). Wow, I sound a little bit like a nerd but it's somewhat creative!
I really want that jacket :) but I can't find it on Dillards.